Web2.0 – na poważnie i na wesoło
November 2nd, 2005
definiowanie web 2.0
Web2.0 jest tematem dużo głębszym niż sugerowałem w pierwszym poście na ten temat – nie ma jedynie wymiaru technicznego, ale również społeczny i inne. Najczęściej wymieniane aspekty web2.0 to (skrótowo za a cumulative Web 2.0 definition):
(1) “The Web As Platform”: This was the formula for the first Web 2.0 conference, “exploring how the Web has developed into a robust platform for innovation across many media and devices – from mobile to television, telephone to search.” The Web is becoming an metadata-driven infrastructure that is not anymore only accessible by traditional browsers. Web 2.0 applications “can serve content that exploits network effects with or without creating a visual, interactive web page”.
(2) Point of Presence: Web 2.0 is a “Point of Presence on the Web for exposing of invoking Web Services and/or Syndicating or Subscribing to XML based content”. I prefer to understand the term in a metaphoric way: first people were “visiting” a “site”, then they had something like a “cockpit” … and now the user feels immersed in the media.
(3) Microcontent-based: Web 2.0 is based on openly accessable microcontent – it resembles more a field of dynamic content “clouds” than an archive of web “pages” and “documents”. The result is an infrastructure that is open, decentralized, bottom-up and self-organizing.
(4) Second order content or metacontent: Web 2.0 applications are quite commonly based on microcontent coming from a different and distributed source that is machine-processed, reused and put out of context.
(5) Metaweb: “Web 2.0” has earlier been used as a synonym for the “Semantic Web”. The combination of social networking systems with the development of tagging and delivered through blogs and wikis “creates a natural basis for a semantic environment”. The Web 2.0 is not only a better environment for computers, but also for “human clients” who can now get their microcontent aggregated, assembled and structured according to personalized ad-hoc points of views.
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