Startup Weekend energizing checklist

Every entrepreneur should constantly seek opportunities to grow his/her business in every aspect. Startup Weekend Wroclaw event which will take place this weekend is such an opportunity – it can help attending entrepreneur in many ways – networking, hiring, inspiration.

When attending Startup Weekend event back in November 2011 in Szczecin I was amazed by positive energy that is present during such meetings. Lots of young people trying to start up their business, having only weekend to prepare some more sophisticated proof they solve worlds biggest problems, and mentors, sharing their wisdom and experience – they were all excited trying to build together “their next big thing”.

I believe there can be much more energy with better preparation so I’ve came with a list below on how to make SWWro even better: I hope attendees (not only participants, but also judges, mentors and audience) will find at least one point on the list, which they can use to make more energy for themselves out of this event:

Here it goes:

  1. prepare in advance and study participants list – judges, mentors, organizers and teams
  2. make sure to network hard
  3. use twitter (#swwro) and facebook hard – this will make connections last
  4. when participating the contest – generate progress or at least a perception of it – think about growing your product or your knowledge about market you are about to hit
  5. market yourself properly – be present in the eyes of mentors, judges and audience (also: online (twitter, fb))
  6. make proper use of mentors – they are here to help (more on that topic at Marcin Zaremba blog)
  7. last but not least have fun! it will help you keep your motivation high

Picking just one point to concentrate on will make a change, picking more – will explode with positive energy for you and all the attendees.
Let’s make it the best Startup Weekend ever!